The Vivo 65 is an advanced homecare ventilator designed to deliver comfortable and effective (life-support) treatment to adult and pediatric patients from 11 lbs/5kg. The Vivo 65 can be used for a wide variety of patients thanks to a comprehensive set of modes, circuits and accessories. The dual limb circuit allows for measurement of exhaled volumes, providing additional security.
Features and Benefits
Ultra-quiet operation (< 30 dB(A))
eSync Technology’s sensitive trigger adjusts on a breath by breath basis independent of leak
Adjustable through a patient’s disease state with invasive, non-invasive and mouthpiece ventilation
Small size (13.7” x 4.7” x 10.4”)
Lightweight (11.7 lbs)
23.5 hours of battery life (3.5 hours internal, 8 hours click-on battery, 12 hours external Xpac battery)
Easy to navigate menus for patient setup
Integrated SpO2, FiO2 and etCO2 monitoring
iButton for instant information
3 easy to use profiles adapt to patient’s activities
Patient comfort promotes compliance
Early interventions based on etCO2 and pulse oximetry ventilation assessment